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The CIC is a unique series of community engagement through forums based on originally-produced real-life films featuring varying unsuspecting motivations and vulnerabilities of youths to radicalism through cyber space.   It takes a social approach (incidentally supplementing the security mechanisms) highlighting social-related vulnerabilities versus the traditional notion of merely ideological appeal.

Noor Huda Ismail

Having received his master’s degree in International Security from St Andrews University, Huda is completing his PhD in International Relations and Politics at Monash University.  In 2008, he had established the Institute for International Peace Building, seeking to reintegrate former convicted terrorists into mainstream Indonesian society through employing them at his de-radicalisation cafe and empowers women directly affected by violence in post conflict areas.


Jihad Selfie

Jihad Selfie’ is an original film documentation which tracks, explores and uncovers the allures of the ISIS movement and the varying motivations behind young, fashionable and aspiring male jihadists, in their desire to join the terror group. The film highlights the element of masculinity which deems to bear a striking susceptibility to the radical and violent cause of terrorism and extremism.


This original film documents the real-life online searches for romance by lonesome female foreign domestic helpers which make them vulnerable to the dangers of being courted by predatory radicals and extremists in the cyber realm.  

Seeking The Imam

This freshly-produced original film seeks to share the real-life dilemma and drama of a disoriented adolescent untiringly seeking leadership figures in her quest of personal development and identity.  The 30-minute film will also significantly feature how the more tech-savvy youths can be the unknowing catalysts to cyber radicalism and kinship radicalisation.  



Channeling the Jihad spirit and energy through alternative narrative and humanitarian

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