sources & secrets
of fasting
" ...we simply cannot afford to be nonchalant or slack, and we need to be constantly conscious and consistently creating constructive and collaborative programmes to boost our communities’ social and psychological defences. "
Dr Maliki Osman
Senior Minister of State
Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Mayor of South East District
9 June 2018
Fasting is a willing abstinence or reduction from some or all food, drink, or both, for a duration and is a shared practice held by many religions. ‘Sources & Secrets of Fasting’, delves deeper into the motivations of fasting in each religion, how it’s practiced and its benefits. The topic seeks to highlight that while practices may differ, the rationale for fasting are similar across various faiths.

sources & secrets
of fasting

" A key takeaway – is that the practice of fasting in each of our religionsemphasises the importance of values such as self-discipline, humility, and compassion for others. Such sharing is important as it reminds us that despite our different subscriptions, we can find commonality in our shared values. It is only when we come together and share openly, narrow our differences and expand our common spaces, as we have done today, that we are able to build trust and mutual confidence with other religious communities and their leaders – so that we can live harmoniously together and resolve issues together."
Dr Maliki Osman
Senior Minister of State
Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Mayor of South East District
18 June 2016
Pemimpin agama kongsi erti amalan puasa (Berita Minggu, 2016)
Religious leaders 'must build trust among faiths (The Sunday Times, 2016)